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Risk, social policy and welfare

Kemshall, H. (2002). Risk, social policy and welfare. Buckingham, Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Traditionally, need has been the major mechanism for allocating resources in public services, and social policy texts have addressed various state responses to social problems and the alleviation of need. However, in a period of state retrenchment and welfare restriction, rationating and targeting have become more intense. This book explores the extent to which, as a result, risk and vulnerability have replaced need as the key principles of welfare rationing and provision. It begins with an introductory overview of current theories on risk and goes on to examine the relevance of risk to social policy and welfare developments. This is achieved by drawing on recent social policy and case examples from health, the personal social services and mental health. Written with the needs of undergraduates in mind, the author presents examples, provides summaries of key points and makes suggestions for further reading throughout. The result is a highly accessible introduction to the concept of risk for students, researchers and professionals in social policy, health and sociale welfare.

Uitgever(s): Open University Press,


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Hazel Kemshall

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