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Sociology of leisure

a reader

Critcher, C., Bramham, P., & Tomlinson, A. (1995). Sociology of leisure: a reader. London: E & FN Spon.

This book is a part of most leisure and recreation management degree and leisure studies BTEC courses. To meet the needs of the students on these courses, the editors have designed a book which draws together extracts widely regarded as classic pieces on the subject in order to provide essential material in an accessible form. With the emphasis on providing an introduction to the sociology of leisure, the collection presents fundamental arguments, studies and conceptual debates. The contents have been grouped into five Parts: contemporary trends; leisure and common experiences; leisure and social relations; types of leisure provision; and theories and prognostications. In order that student can get the most out of the literature, introductions, exercises and essay questions have been included in each of the parts. All the editiors are experienced teachers of lecturers in higher education.

Uitgever(s): E & FN Spon,


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Chas Critcher
P. Bramham
Alan Tomlinson

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