Visie & Beleidsplein

Sport and recreation in the tight city

Poel, H. van der (2000). Sport and recreation in the tight city. In M. Collins, Leisure planning in transitory societies (pp. 101-116) Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association (LSA).

Hugo van der Poel describes the concern about urbanisation in the western Netherlands, with a plan for 'bundled deconcentration' in developing around existing settlements, now superseded by a policy of more development on 'brownfield' sites as in Britain. As in Britain sport has been used as a means of central city regeneration. Recently in a similar way municipal budgets have been cut, reducing direct provision for recreation (hitting poorer people most), and forcing local authorities to seek partnerships with commercial and voluntary organisations.

Uitgever(s): Leisure Studies Association (LSA),


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Hugo van der Poel

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