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Sport in the city

the role of sport in economic and social regeneration

Gratton, C., & Henry, I.P. (2001). Sport in the city: the role of sport in economic and social regeneration. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

How can sport be used to regenerate urban economies? Can sport be used effectively in re-imaging declining cities? Sport has become a major industry as well as major cultural preoccupation in the contemporary world. Cities are increasingly using major sporting events and activities to re-image themselves, promote urban development and fund economic growth and regeneration. Including international case-studies from the Sydney Olympics to urban school sports, this book looks closely at how sport has been used in contemporary cities across the world, and evaluates policies, strategies and management. Key areas examined are: sport and urban economic regeneration; sports events bidding; planning and organization; urban sports tourism; sport and urban community development; urban politics and sport policy.

Uitgever(s): Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,


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Chris Gratton
Ian P. Henry

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