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European seminar on sport management


inventory of past and present sport management research in Europe


Taks, M., & European Association for Sport Management (1995). European seminar on sport management: theme, inventory of past and present sport management research in Europe, proceedings. Leuven: Onderzoekseenheid Sociaalculturele Kinantropologie (SOCK).

The main idea of the seminar was to discuss sport management research in Europe in order to obtain an overview of what has been done so far, to evaluate current research and to explore possibilities for cooperative research in the future. The presentations were very different. The projects mentioned had different approaches and different definitions of sport management were used. It was therefore concluded that the collected information was too restricted and too selective, and probably not representative enough to draw up a typology of Sport Management Research in Europe. Therefore the papers are published here in the form they were presented. Beside the overviews on sport management research, two open papers were presented as well.

Uitgever(s): Onderzoekseenheid Sociaalculturele Kinantropologie (SOCK),


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Marijke Taks
European Association for Sport Management

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