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Environmental information factors that influence the development of a business idea into a business model

a case study of a winter sports outlet in Eastern Holland

Baas, T. (2008). Environmental information factors that influence the development of a business idea into a business model: a case study of a winter sports outlet in Eastern Holland. Enschede: Universiteit Twente.

This study will try to give insight in the environmental information factors, which can than be used for further research in order to help future entrepreneurs use their environment to further develop their business ideas. This study gives a view of environmental factors that an influence an entrepreneur while developing a business idea. To get this view a case study was conducted, in which an entrepreneur develops his business idea into a business model. For a period of six months this entrepreneur recorded every environmental influence that changed his business idea, in a dairy. The diary data was analyzed doing a content analysis. The data showed that an entrepreneur developing a business idea into a business model is indeed influenced by environmental information factors. The analysis showed that of all forces influencing the entrepreneur, those forces from his social network had the most influence. Although this study analyzed only one single case and therefore generalizing is difficult, the propositions made at the end of this study will contribute a lot to further research on this subject, by making entrepreneurs aware of the available information in their environment. Which can eventually help entrepreneurs with business ideas to develop these ideas into successful businesses. 

Uitgever(s): Universiteit Twente,


Environmental information factors that influence the development of a business idea into a business model : a case study of a winter sports outlet in Eastern Holland

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T. Baas

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