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Thesis sport en bewegen in de buurt

de trein naar succes

hoe draagt een activiteit in de Haagse Sporttuin bij aan de effecten van sportdeelname van jeugd in de buurt?

Eekhof, E. (2015). Thesis sport en bewegen in de buurt: de trein naar succes, hoe draagt een activiteit in de Haagse Sporttuin bij aan de effecten van sportdeelname van jeugd in de buurt?. Groningen: Wagner Group, Sport Management Institute.

In the spirit of “Sport en Bewegen in de Buurt - (Sport and Movement in the Neighborhood)” and after some research it trended into a more manageable long-term proven organization the "de Haagse Sporttuin (The Hague Sport yard)". The main question for this research is: "How does an activity like “de Haagse Sporttuin” effect sports participation of youth in the neighborhood?". Working from an idea of ‘Where and When’ in recent years, through memorandums in all layers of sports promotion we started encouraging target groups to increasingly move more in different disciplines. Eventually resulting in the final “Sport en Bewegen in de Buurt met buurtsportcoaches (Sport and Movement in the Neighborhood with local coaches)” focusing on the creation of intermediary functions which leads to a boost with local partnerships between sport, education, welfare and community. The conclusion is that participants find it very nice and convenient to sport and exercise in the immediate vicinity of their home, school and or place of work, but that must meet some additional criteria. These criteria particularly focus on a playing field that can be locked and the involvement of an active administrator and coordinator. Furthermore, a varied program of activities for the participants that needs to be carried out by professionals. To strengthen the identity of an organization one nationwide name should be sought so there is more clarity to the market. Continued research is also needed to establish quality controlled products and conditions.

Uitgever(s): Wagner Group, Sport Management Institute,


Thesis sport en bewegen in de buurt : de trein naar succes : hoe draagt een activiteit in de Haagse Sporttuin bij aan de effecten van sportdeelname van jeugd in de buurt?

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Edwin Eekhof

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sport en bewegen in de buurt