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Gender diversity in European sport governance

Elling, A., Hovden, J., & Knoppers, A. (2019). Gender diversity in European sport governance. Oxon, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Gender equality is one of the founding democratic principles of the EU. However, recent studies of the Federation of Olympic Sports in Europe have shown that women occupy only fourteen percent of decision-making positions in sport organizations.

This book, edited by Agnes Elling, Jorid Hovden and Annelies Knoppers, presents a comprehensive and comparative study of how various regions and countries of Europe have addressed this lack of gender diversity, discussing which strategies have brought about change and to what extent these changes have been successful. With contributions from leading sport sociologists, covering countries such as Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the UK, it provides a foundation for future policymaking, methodological analyses and theoretical developments that can result in sustainable gender equality in European sport governance. -- Provided by publisher.

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Uitgever(s): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,


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Agnes Elling
Jorid Hovden
Annelies Knoppers

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