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The Daily Mile initiative

exploring physical activity and the acute effects on executive function and academic performance in primary school children

Morris, J.L., Daly-Smith, A., Archbold, V.S., Wilkins, E.L., & Mckenna, J. (2019). The Daily Mile initiative: exploring physical activity and the acute effects on executive function and academic performance in primary school children. Psychology of sport & exercise 45

This study is the first assessing the acute effects of The Daily Mile compared to continued academic lessons. The Daily Mile revealed no significant improvements in maths fluency or executive function. These findings question justifying the widespread adoption of The Daily Mile based on enhanced cognition claims. Nonetheless, The Daily Mile may provide 10-min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, achieving a third of the daily in school recommendations to meet overall daily recommendations.

Uitgever(s): Elsevier,


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Jade Morris
Andrew Daly-Smith
Victoria Archbold
Emma Wilkins
Jim Mckenna

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