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Designing urban green space (UGS) to enhance health
a methodology
Veen, E.J., Ekkel, D., Hansma, M.R., & Vrieze, A.G.M. de (2020). Designing urban green space (UGS) to enhance health: a methodology. International journal of environmental research and public health 17
Policymakers and urban designers strive to implement the increasing evidence about the positive association between urban green space (UGS) and health in policy. In Almere, The Netherlands, the Regenboogbuurt (“Rainbow Quarter”) neighbourhood is currently being revitalized. The research team was asked to deliver design principles for the improvement of UGS in this neighbourhood to benefit the health of its residents. However, robust studies that demonstrate what UGS criteria offer what particular benefit for what target group are scarce. This paper contributes to the need for more evidence-based UGS design by presenting the approach we used to develop UGS design principles for Regenboogbuurt.
Designing urban green space (UGS) to enhance health
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Esther VeenDinand Ekkel
Milan Hansma
Anke de Vrieze
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