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Let’s Play! 2021 - The European esports market

Deloitte (2021). Let’s Play! 2021 - The European esports market. Deloitte.

The 6th edition of the Deloitte study 'Let's Play! - The European esports market' focuses on the economically sustainable development of the European esports sector. The study was based on extensive consumer research and numerous expert opinions. In addition, there are 13 country profiles that outline the current state of the esports sector in different European markets.

In recent years, esports stakeholders have joined together to form a globally connected ecosystem (here also referred to as ‘the esports sector’) that is fuelling a growing fascination among audiences. Sector observers are keenly watching developments to see where the esports market is heading, although the predominant view is that audience and revenue figures will continue the growth seen in recent years.

Uitgever(s): Deloitte,


Let’s Play! 2021 - The European esports market

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