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The integration of health promotion in primary school settings

challenges and opportunities

Hahnraths, M.T.H. (2023). The integration of health promotion in primary school settings: challenges and opportunities. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.

The aim of the research presented in this dissertation was to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of various health-promoting activities in complex and diverse primary school settings.

To gain more insight into children’s health literacy (HL) and its potential role in health promotion in children, two studies on the translation of an instrument to measure children’s HL and the subsequent investigation of a potential relationship between children’s HL and various health outcomes were presented.

Furthermore, the included studies investigated how and to what degree health-promoting activities were developed and implemented in diverse school settings, which factors were important during the development and implementation process, and to what extent and in what way the implemented activities influenced children’s health (behaviours) and well-being. 

Het doel van het onderzoek gepresenteerd in dit proefschrift was om de implementatie en effectiviteit van verschillende gezondheidsbevorderende activiteiten in complexe en diverse basisschool-settingen te evalueren.

Twee studies zijn opgenomen die tot doel hadden om meer inzicht te krijgen in de gezondheidsvaardigheden van kinderen en de mogelijke rol hiervan in gezondheidsbevordering.

Daarnaast onderzochten de beschreven studies hoe en in welke mate gezondheidsbevorderende activiteiten geïmplementeerd werden in diverse school-settingen, welke factoren van belang waren tijdens het implementatieproces en in welke mate en op welke manier de geïmplementeerde activiteiten de gezondheid en het welzijn van kinderen beïnvloedden.

Uitgever(s): Universiteit Maastricht,


The integration of health promotion in primary school settings: challenges and opportunities

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Marla Hahnraths

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