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Between the lines

discursive (re)constructions of race/ethnicity in Polish televised football

(2024). Between the lines: discursive (re)constructions of race/ethnicity in Polish televised football. Rotterdam: Erasmus Research Institute for Media, Culture, History & Society.

The articles that make up the chapters of this dissertation aimed to provide an answer to the overarching research question: How are discourses surrounding race/ethnicity (re)constructed in Polish men’s televised football and how do these discourses relate to wider racial/ethnic power relations in Polish society?

Theoretically, this research project was primarily inspired by insights from Cultural Studies and Critical Race Theory.

This dissertation is part of the research project ‘How Racist is Televised Football and do Audiences React?’, which was financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

De artikelen in de hoofdstukken van dit proefschrift zijn gericht op het beantwoorden van de overkoepelende onderzoeksvraag: Hoe worden discoursen rondom ras/etniciteit ge(re)produceert in het Poolse mannenvoetbal op televisie en hoe verhouden deze discoursen zich tot bredere raciale/etnische machtsverhoudingen in de Poolse samenleving?

Theoretisch werd dit onderzoeksproject voornamelijk geïnspireerd door inzichten uit Cultural Studies en Critical Race Theory.

Uitgever(s): Erasmus Research Institute for Media, Culture, History & Society,


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