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Public health

power, empowerment and professional practice

Laverack, G. (2005). Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice. Glenn Laverack.

This 8-chapter book focuses on how public health professionals can help their clients to gain power. It offers sound principles and practical solutions for transforming power relations to improve practice. Illustrated throughout with case studies to demonstrate principles of an empowering professional practice, this book provides: (i) an understanding of the concepts of power and empowerment; (ii) practical approaches for helping individuals, groups and communities to gain power; and (iii) a means to measure and visually represent empowerment. Whether you want to become a more effective communicator, foster empowering professional-client relationships or increase the self-awareness of your clients, this highly practical book will help you realize your professional goals in public health.

Uitgever(s): Glenn Laverack,


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Glenn Laverack

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