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Planet health

an interdisciplinary curriculum for teaching middle school nutrition and physical activity

Carter, J., Wiecha, J.L., Peterson, K.E., Nobrega, S., & Gortmaker, S.L. (2007). Planet health: an interdisciplinary curriculum for teaching middle school nutrition and physical activity. Leeds: Human Kinetics Europe.

This book offers an innovative approach to teaching health education. You can use this proven, evidence-based curriculum to teach students about nutrition and physical activity while helping them build skills and competencies in language arts, math, science, social studies, and physical education. The curriculum is designed for use by teachers in core academic areas as well as in physical education and health.

This new edition includes revised nutrition and physical activity information, ensuring that you're equipped with the most up-to-date science. The book also includes an all-new CD-ROM with plenty of reproducible worksheets, parent information and newsletters, school health resources, and other teacher resource materials.

It provides: 

  • 35 complete, ready-to-use lesson plans and 31 microunits that promote healthy nutrition and activity; 
  • materials and instructions to implement Power Down, a two-week campaign to reduce television and other media viewing time, which you can launch in the classroom or school-wide; and
  • FitCheck, a self-assessment tool to help students track and improve their activity levels.

In addition, the book includes access to a Web site,, which features a teacher training PowerPoint presentation, a Planet Heath FAQ, and more.

Uitgever(s): Human Kinetics Europe,


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Jill Carter
Jean Wiecha
Karen Peterson
Suzanne Nobrega
Steven Gortmaker

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