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2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans

be active, healthy, and happy!

(2008). 2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans: be active, healthy, and happy!. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The guideline provides science-based guidance to help Americans aged 6 and older improve their health through appropriate physical activity. Developed with health professionals and policymakers in mind, the guidelines can help to earn about the health benefits of physical activity, understand how to do physical activity in a manner that meets the guidelines, understand how to reduce the risks of activity-related injury and assist others in participating regularly in physical activity.

This archived page has materials from the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines. Learn about the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines, released in 2018.

Uitgever(s): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,


2008 : physical activity guidelines for Americans : be active, healthy, and happy!

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