Visie & Beleidsplein

Facts about cycling in the Netherlands

SGBO (2001). Facts about cycling in the Netherlands. The Hague: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.

The Netherlands is a true cycling country. The Dutch have been cyclists from time immemorial. In the nineteen-nineties the project 'Dutch Bicycle Master Plan' contributed to the promotion of cycling and at the same time increased the safety and atractiveness of cycling. After the 'Dutch Bicycle Master Plan' project was completed there remained a major demand for information on cycling. The brochure 'Facts on cycling in the Netherlands' (including appendix on walking) provides as accurate picture as possible of the situation. This includes the most recent figures on pedestrian and bicycle traffic in The Netherlands that are in fact derived from the 1999 study, 'Onderzoeksverplaatsingsgedrag' (OVG) (Study of Travel Movements). This brochure is sequal to the brochure 'Walking and cycling, good for municipal policy', in which arguments are presented for decentralized governments. The figures from the two brochures do not correspond on all points because the methodology used for measurement differs. The argument brochure moreover employs OVG figures from 1998.

Uitgever(s): Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,


Facts about cycling in the Netherlands

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