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A narrative review of physical activity, nutrition, and obesity to cognition and scholastic performance across the human lifespan

Burkhalter, T.M., & Hillman, C.H. (2011). A narrative review of physical activity, nutrition, and obesity to cognition and scholastic performance across the human lifespan.

We reviewed studies that examine the relationship of energy consumption, storage, and expenditure to cognition and scholastic performance. Specifically, the literature base on nutrient intake, body mass, and physical activity is described relative to cognitive development and academic achievement. The review of literature regarding the overconsumption of energy and excess body mass suggests poorer academic achievement during development and greater decay of brain structure and function accompanied by increased cognitive aging during older adulthood. The review of literature regarding energy expenditure through the adoption of increased physical activity participation suggests increased cognitive health and function. Although this area of study is in its infancy, the preliminary data are promising and matched with the declining physical health of industrialized nations; this area of science could provide insight aimed at improving brain health and cognitive function across the human lifespan.

Uitgever(s): American Society for Nutrition,


A narrative review of physical activity, nutrition, and obesity to cognition and scholastic performance across the human lifespan

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Toni Burkhalter
Charles Hillman

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