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2022 Improving muscle health later in life
2021 Bevorder de zelfredzaamheid van kwetsbare ouderen met bewegen
Uitgever(s): Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen
2020 Physical activity and exercise in mild cognitive impairment and dementia
Uitgever(s): Elsevier
2020 Evidence on physical activity and the prevention of frailty and sarcopenia among older people
Uitgever(s): Human Kinetics
2020 Self-reported impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nutrition and physical activity behaviour in dutch older adults living independently
Uitgever(s): MDPI
2019 Resistance training for older adults
Uitgever(s): Wolters Kluwer
2019 Dietary protein and resistance exercise training for community-dwelling older adults
2018 Effect, process, and economic evaluation of a combined resistance exercise and diet intervention (ProMuscle in Practice) for community-dwelling older adults
2017 De plus van bewegen voor ouderen
Uitgever(s): Mulier Instituut
2016 Muscle strength, mobility and quality of life in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy
Uitgever(s): Maastricht University
2016 Sarcopenia: a rising geriatric giant
Uitgever(s): Maastricht University
2014 Satellite cells in skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy
Uitgever(s): Maastricht University
2013 Muscle and bone in training
Uitgever(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam