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2024 Stap voor stap naar een gezonde leefomgeving voor kinderen en jongeren
Uitgever(s): Mulier Instituut
2022 Evaluation proposal of a national community-based obesity prevention programme: a novel approach considering the complexity perspective
Uitgever(s): BMC
2020 Hosting elite sport events to target recreational sport participation
2019 Longitudinal effects of urban green space on walking and cycling
2019 The effects of small-scale physical and social environmental interventions on walking behaviour among Dutch older adults living in deprived neighbourhoods
Uitgever(s): Springer Nature
2016 Physical and social environmental changes to promote walking among Dutch older adults in deprived neighbourhoods
Uitgever(s): Springer nature
2015 Het terugdringen van gezondheidsachterstanden
Uitgever(s): Erasmus MC
2014 Characteristics of residential areas and transportational walking among frail and non-frail Dutch elderly
Uitgever(s): Etman et al.
2014 Relaties van de fysieke omgeving met leefstijl, redzaamheid en sociale verbindingen
Uitgever(s): Erasmus MC, afdeling Maatschappelijke Gezondheidszorg
2014 How many walking and cycling trips made by elderly are beyond commonly used buffer sizes
Uitgever(s): Elsevier Ltd.
2013 Workplace health promotion
Uitgever(s): American Journal of Preventive Medicine
2012 Are neighbourhood social capital and availability of sports facilities related to sports participation among Dutch adolescents?
Uitgever(s): Prins et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
2010 Sociaal-economische verschillen in recreatief bewegen
Uitgever(s): Bohn Stafleu van Loghum bv
2009 Determinants of participation in worksite health promotion programmes
Uitgever(s): Biomed Central
2009 Socioeconomic differences in lack of recreational walking among older adults
Uitgever(s): Kamphuis et al;
2009 Interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers
2008 Sociaaleconomische verschillen in sportdeelname
Uitgever(s): Vrijetijdsnetwerk
2007 Environmental correlates of physical activity in youth
Uitgever(s): Ferreira et al.
2005 Environmental determinants and interventions for physical activity
Uitgever(s): Erasmus University Rotterdam