2024 |
Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on the European Union Work Plan for Sport (1 July 2024 – 31 December 2027) Uitgever(s):
Council of the European Union |
2023 |
Step Up! Tackling the burden of insufficient physical activity in Europe Uitgever(s):
OECD Publishing |
2022 |
Naar meer gendergelijkheid in de sport Uitgever(s):
Bureau voor publicaties van de Europese Unie |
2018 |
Sport diplomacy: identifying good practices Uitgever(s):
European Commission |
2018 |
Towards gender equity in urban outdoor sport spaces Uitgever(s):
Mulier Instituut |
2018 |
Physical activity factsheets for the 28 European Union member states of the WHO European Region Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization (WHO) |
2018 |
Netherlands physical activity factsheet 2018 Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization (WHO) |
2018 |
Promoting physical activity in the education sector Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization |
2018 |
Promoting physical activity in the health sector Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization |
2017 |
Resolution of the council and of the representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the council, on the European Union work plan for sport (1 July 2017 – 31 December 2020) Uitgever(s):
Council of the European Union |
2017 |
EU sport policy according to neofunctionalists Uitgever(s):
KU Leuven |
2016 |
Study on the minimum quality requirements for dual career services Uitgever(s):
Europen Union |
2016 |
Integrity & sport events Uitgever(s):
Mulier Institute, Utrecht University |
2016 |
Integrity & sport events Uitgever(s):
Mulier Institute, Utrecht University |
2016 |
Creating social impact with sport events Uitgever(s):
Mulier Institute, Utrecht University |
2016 |
Studie over de bijdrage van sport aan de regionale ontwikkeling via de structuurfondsen Uitgever(s):
European Commission |
2016 |
Programma van het Nederlands voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie Uitgever(s):
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken |
2016 |
Kamerbrief Resultaten en uitvoering van het Nederlandse EU-voorzitterschap Uitgever(s):
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken |
2016 |
Kamerbrief Terugkoppeling EU-voorzitterschap VWS Uitgever(s):
Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) |
2016 |
Conclusions of the Council and of the representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the Council, on enhancing integrity, transparency and good governance in major sport events Uitgever(s):
Council of the European Union |
2016 |
Kamerbrief Aanbieding programma van het Nederlands voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie Uitgever(s):
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken |
2016 |
EU wereldleider in WK-organisatie Uitgever(s):
Arko Sports Media |
2015 |
Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven Uitgever(s):
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) |
2015 |
Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven Uitgever(s):
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) |
2015 |
Factsheets on health-enhancing physical activity in the 28 European Union member states of the WHO European region Uitgever(s):
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
2014 |
Special Eurobarometer 412 Uitgever(s):
European Commission |
2014 |
EU action plan on childhood obesity 2014-2020 Uitgever(s):
WHO Europe |
2014 |
Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven Uitgever(s):
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) |
2014 |
Eurobarometer 2013 Uitgever(s):
Mulier Instituut |
2014 |
Comparative efficiency of health systems, corrected for selected lifestyle factors Uitgever(s):
European Union |
2013 |
Non-regulatory measures related to the safety of outdoor leisure activities in the EU Uitgever(s):
European Confederation of Outdoor Employers (EC-OE) |
2013 |
Special report on the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (reference period 2006-2012) Uitgever(s):
2013 |
Study on a possible future sport monitoring function in the EU Uitgever(s):
Mulier Institute |
2013 |
Social economy and social entrepreneurship Uitgever(s):
Publications Office of the European Union |
2013 |
Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven Uitgever(s):
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) |
2013 |
Country profiles on nutrition, physical activity and obesity in the 53 WHO European region member States Uitgever(s):
WHO Europe |
2012 |
Methodological manual for a sport satellite account Uitgever(s):
Statistics Netherlands |
2012 |
Towards an EU funding stream for sport Uitgever(s):
European Union |
2012 |
Study on the contribution of sport to economic growth and employment in the EU Uitgever(s):
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture |
2011 |
Continu onderzoek burgerperspectieven Uitgever(s):
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) |
2011 |
Health at a glance 2011 Uitgever(s):
2011 |
Study on the funding of grassroots sports in the EU Uitgever(s):
Eurostrategies, Amnyos, CDES, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln |
2011 |
Study on the funding of grassroots sports in the EU Uitgever(s):
Eurostrategies, Amnyos, CDES, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln |
2011 |
Study on the funding of grassroots sports in the EU Uitgever(s):
Eurostrategies, Amnyos, CDES, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln |
2011 |
An EU-wide overview of community-based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity Uitgever(s):
2011 |
Guide to EU sport policy Uitgever(s):
EOC EU Office |
2011 |
Communication on sport (2011) Uitgever(s):
European Union |
2010 |
Vlaanderen binnen het Europese sportlandschap Uitgever(s):
2010 |
Health at a glance Uitgever(s):
OECD, European Commission |
2010 |
Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport Uitgever(s):
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights |
2009 |
Het volksgezondheidsprogramma van de Europese Unie (2003-2007) Uitgever(s):
Europese Rekenkamer |
2008 |
Healthy life years in the European Union Uitgever(s):
European Commission |
2008 |
The EU health policy forum strategic priorities Uitgever(s):
European Union - Health Policy Forum |
2008 |
EU physical activity guidelines recommended policy actions in support of health-enhancing physical activity Uitgever(s):
EU Working Group Sport & Health |
2007 |
White paper on sport Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Commission staff working document Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Commission staff working document Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Commission staff working document Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response Uitgever(s):
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
2007 |
Frans-Nederlands memorandum witboek Uitgever(s):
SDu |
2007 |
Economic implications of socio-economic inequalities in health in the European Union Uitgever(s):
Erasmus MC |
2007 |
White paper Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Commission staf working document Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Commission staf working document Uitgever(s):
Commission of the European Communities |
2007 |
Witboek sport Uitgever(s):
Bureau voor officiële publicaties der Europese Gemeenschappen |
2006 |
Zorgbalans Uitgever(s):
2006 |
Evidence-based physical activity promotion Uitgever(s):
Journal of the American Public Health Association |
2006 |
Health and food Uitgever(s):
Europese Commissie |
2006 |
European charter on counteracting obesity Uitgever(s):
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
2006 |
Nutrition, physical activity and prevention of obesity Uitgever(s):
WHO Europe |
2006 |
European journal for sport and society Uitgever(s):
Waxmann Verlag GmbH |
2005 |
The contribution of health to the economy in the European Union Uitgever(s):
European Communities |
2005 |
Sports participation in the European Union Uitgever(s):
Arko Sports Media |
2004 |
Two players, one goal? Uitgever(s):
Meyer & Meyer Sport |
2004 |
Volunteering and participation on the agenda Uitgever(s):
Civiq |
2003 |
Physical activity Uitgever(s):
European Opinion Research Group |
2001 |
Witboek van de Europese Commissie Uitgever(s):
Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen |
1999 |
The council of Europe and sport Uitgever(s):
Council of Europe |
1997 |
The social quality of Europe Uitgever(s):
Kluwer Law International |
1991 |
Notities over Europa Uitgever(s):
Bureau voor officiële publikaties der Europese Gemeenschappen |