2024 |
Wat beïnvloedt de sportdeelname van middelbare scholieren? Uitgever(s):
Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten |
2022 |
Game changers Uitgever(s):
2022 |
Spel of knikkers? Uitgever(s):
Universiteit voor Humanistiek |
2021 |
Development of Australian physical activity and screen time guidelines for outside school hours care Uitgever(s):
2021 |
Understanding vocational students’ motivation for dietary and physical activity behaviors Uitgever(s):
2021 |
How do we harness adolescent values in designing health behaviour change interventions? Uitgever(s):
Wiley |
2021 |
Understanding and addressing inequalities in physical activity Uitgever(s):
Public Health England |
2021 |
Het puberbrein in beweging Uitgever(s):
2021 |
Barriers and facilitators of physical activity participation in adolescent girls Uitgever(s):
2020 |
Social network interventions that promote physical activity among adolescents Uitgever(s):
Thabo J. van Woudenberg |
2020 |
‘McDonald’s is good for my social life’ Uitgever(s):
Wiley |
2020 |
Comparing and assessing physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
Springer |
2020 |
Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being Uitgever(s):
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
2020 |
A critical evaluation of systematic reviews assessing the effect of chronic physical activity on academic achievement, cognition and the brain in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
2020 |
Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive outcomes and academic performance in adolescents and young adults Uitgever(s):
2020 |
An update on secular trends in physical fitness of children and adolescents from 1972 to 2015 Uitgever(s):
2020 |
Physical activity and academic achievement Uitgever(s):
2020 |
Strategies and effects of school-based interventions to promote active school transportation by bicycle among children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
2020 |
Urban design for physical activity Uitgever(s):
Susanne E.M. van Rijn |
2020 |
Motivating students for physical activity Uitgever(s):
2019 |
Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive and academic performance in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
2019 |
Brein in de groei Uitgever(s):
Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij |
2019 |
Australia's physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines and the Australian 24-hour movement guidelines Uitgever(s):
Department of Health, Australian Government |
2019 |
Fit for the future Uitgever(s):
Marieke Wouters |
2019 |
The transition to adulthood: a game changer!? Uitgever(s):
Taylor & Francis |
2019 |
Participation in sports in childhood and adolescence and physical activity in adulthood Uitgever(s):
Routledge |
2019 |
What is the relationship between the neighbourhood built environment and time spent in outdoor play Uitgever(s):
2019 |
Associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and the metabolic syndrome Uitgever(s):
Wiley |
2019 |
Global trends in insufficient physical activity among adolescents Uitgever(s):
2019 |
Fitkids exercise therapy program Uitgever(s):
E.M.W. Kotte |
2018 |
A youth compendium of physical activities Uitgever(s):
American College of Sports Medicine |
2018 |
Time-use and environmental determinants of dropout from organized youth football and tennis Uitgever(s):
BMC, part of Spring Nature |
2018 |
Physical activity, diet and other behavioural interventions for improving cognition and school achievement in children and adolescents with obesity or overweight (review) Uitgever(s):
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Cochrane Collaboration |
2017 |
Risk factors for injury in talented soccer and tennis players Uitgever(s):
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
2017 |
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization Europe |
2017 |
Behavioral determinants of physical activity across the life course: a “DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review Uitgever(s):
BioMed Central |
2017 |
Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course Uitgever(s):
Biomed Central |
2017 |
Sport en bewegingsonderwijs Uitgever(s):
2017 |
Diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years Uitgever(s):
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd |
2016 |
Report of the commission on ending childhood obesity Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization (WHO) |
2016 |
The associations of youth physical activity and screen time with fatness and fitness Uitgever(s):
Bai et al. |
2016 |
The school environment and adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviour Uitgever(s):
World Obesity |
2016 |
How voluntary exercise behavior runs in families Uitgever(s):
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2016 |
Growing up unequal Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization Europe |
2016 |
Motieven Uitgever(s):
Kenniscentrum Sport |
2016 |
Kritische succesfactoren ter preventie van dropout in sport en fysieke activiteit bij Vlaamse jeugd Uitgever(s):
Steunpunt Beleidsrelevant Onderzoek Sport 2012-2015 |
2016 |
Fitter door een Fitspiration account? Uitgever(s):
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
2016 |
Physical activity in the school setting Uitgever(s):
2016 |
Determinants of organised sports participation patterns during the transition from childhood to adolescence in Germany Uitgever(s):
2016 |
De sportstimulering van adolescente meiden binnen het gemeentelijk netwerk Amersfoort Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2016 |
Het tienerbrein Uitgever(s):
Amsterdam University Press B.V. |
2015 |
Maintaining a healthy weight and preventing excess weight gain among adults and children Uitgever(s):
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) |
2015 |
Kinderen en hun ouders in beweging krijgen en houden Uitgever(s):
Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen (NISB) |
2015 |
Number of years of participation in some, but not all, types of physical activity during adolescence predicts level of physical activity in adulthood Uitgever(s):
2015 |
Active video games Uitgever(s):
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2015 |
Bevorderende en beperkende factoren voor sportdeelname van kinderen en adolescenten met cerebrale parese volgens kinderen, ouders, sportdocenten en zorgprofessionals Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2015 |
De stimulatie van sportparticipatie bij adolescenten met cerebrale parese vanuit drie perspectieven Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2015 |
Jeugd Uitgever(s):
2015 |
On physical functioning after pediatric burns Uitgever(s):
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
2015 |
De rol van actie- vs. toestand-oriëntatie in de relatie tussen stress en prestatie en stress en welzijn bij jongvolwassen korfballers Uitgever(s):
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
2015 |
Adolescents’ perspectives on the barriers and facilitators of physical activity Uitgever(s):
Oxford Academic |
2014 |
Physical education's contribution to levels of physical activity in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
Maastricht University |
2014 |
Stabiliteit en verandering van psychosociale gezondheid en leefstijl bij adolescenten en mogelijkheden voor interventies Uitgever(s):
2014 |
Magic mirror on the wall, who is most inactive of them all? Uitgever(s):
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2014 |
Perspectives on the encouragement of healthy energy balance related behaviour in the school environment Uitgever(s):
Monique Ridder |
2014 |
Gezonde en weerbare pubers Uitgever(s):
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum |
2014 |
Physical activity and social support in adolescents Uitgever(s):
2013 |
Top 10 practical lessons learned from physical activity interventions in overweight and obese children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
Angela S. Alberga et al |
2013 |
What do adolescents want in order to become more active? Uitgever(s):
Corder et al. |
2013 |
A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
Eime et al. |
2013 |
Associations between objectively measured physical activity and academic attainment in adolescents from a UK cohort Uitgever(s):
2012 |
Physical activity and performance at school Uitgever(s):
American Medical Association |
2012 |
Active living neighborhoods Uitgever(s):
De Meester et al. |
2012 |
Global physical activity levels Uitgever(s):
Elsevier |
2012 |
Physical activity during school recess Uitgever(s):
American College of Preventive Medicine |
2012 |
Prevalence and correlates of exergaming in youth Uitgever(s):
American Academy of Pediatrics |
2012 |
Active gaming in Dutch adolescents Uitgever(s):
Simons et al. |
2012 |
Young and physical active Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization (WHO), Europe |
2012 |
Gemengde sportparticipatie door adolescenten met cerebrale parese Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2012 |
De gelukkige adolescent Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2012 |
Are neighbourhood social capital and availability of sports facilities related to sports participation among Dutch adolescents? Uitgever(s):
Prins et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. |
2011 |
Interventions to promote physical activity among young and adolescent girls Uitgever(s):
Marian J. Carnacho-Minano |
2011 |
Physical activity and depression in adolescents Uitgever(s):
Nicola J. Wiles et al. |
2011 |
Adolescent physical activity predicts high education and socio-economic position in adulthood Uitgever(s):
Leena K. Koivusilta et. al. |
2011 |
Do all children have places to be active? Uitgever(s):
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
2011 |
Correlates of physical activity in youth Uitgever(s):
Taylor & Francis online |
2010 |
Adding effect sizes to a systematic review on interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers Uitgever(s):
Crutzen |
2010 |
The effects of adolescence sports and exercise on adulthood leisure-time physical activity in educational groups Uitgever(s):
Makinen et al. |
2010 |
Gezond op eigen benen Uitgever(s):
Bregje Booltink |
2010 |
Bijdrage van lichamelijke opvoeding en actief transport aan het energieverbruik van adolescenten (intern rapport) Uitgever(s):
Lectoraat Fysieke Activiteit en Gezondheid, Fontys Sporthogeschool |
2010 |
Sport maakt wie ik ben Uitgever(s):
Universiteit Utrecht |
2010 |
Is spending time in screen-based sedentary behaviors associated with less physical activity Uitgever(s):
Melkevik et al. |
2009 |
Ethnic differences in bmi among Dutch adolescents Uitgever(s):
Singh et al. |
2009 |
Activity-friendly neighborhoods for children Uitgever(s):
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
2009 |
An analysis of national approaches to promoting physical activity and sports in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford |
2009 |
An analysis of national approaches to promoting physical activity and sports in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford |
2009 |
A better life for children and adolescents through diet and exercise Uitgever(s):
Nordic Council of Ministers |
2009 |
Tracking of physical activity from childhood to adulthood Uitgever(s):
Karger |
2008 |
Parental influences on adolescents' physical activity and sedentary behavior Uitgever(s):
Bauer et al. |
2008 |
Physical activity and children Uitgever(s):
National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) |
2008 |
Increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary activity in adolescent girls Uitgever(s):
2007 |
Parental influences on adolescent physical activity Uitgever(s):
BioMed Central Ltd. |
2007 |
Strong inverse association between physical fitness and overweight in adolescents Uitgever(s):
2007 |
Children, obesity and exercise Uitgever(s):
Routledge Taylor and Francis Group |
2007 |
Effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Sciences, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
2007 |
Physical activity, overweight and central adiposity in Swedish children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
BioMed Central Ltd. |
2007 |
Environmental correlates of physical activity in youth Uitgever(s):
Ferreira et al. |
2006 |
E-health4Uth Uitgever(s):
Resi Mangunkusumo |
2006 |
Addressing the socioeconomic determinants of healthy eating habits and physical activity levels among adolescents Uitgever(s):
World Health Organization (WHO) |
2006 |
Early determinants of physical activity in adolescence Uitgever(s):
2006 |
Identity and health-risk behaviour in adolescence Uitgever(s):
Kirsten Verkooijen |
2006 |
Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns are associated with selected adolescent health risk behaviors Uitgever(s):
Pediatrics |
2005 |
European physical education review Uitgever(s):
SAGE Publications |
2005 |
Youth at risk of physical inactivity may benefit more from activity-related support than youth not at risk Uitgever(s):
2005 |
Perceived neighborhood environments and physical activity in adolescents Uitgever(s):
Elsevier Inc. |
2005 |
Dansant Uitgever(s):
PVLO vzw |
2004 |
Unsafe to play? Uitgever(s):
American Journal of Health Promotion, Inc. |
2001 |
Children, adolescents, and television Uitgever(s):
American Academy of Pediatrics |
2000 |
A review of correlates of physical activity of children and adolescents Uitgever(s):
American College of Sports Medicine |
2000 |
Determinants of adolescent physical activity and inactivity patterns Uitgever(s):
American Academy of pediatrics |
1998 |
Four thousand hours a year Uitgever(s):
The Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education |
1997 |
Physical exercise habit Uitgever(s):
Oxford University Press |
z.j. |
The role of active gaming in physical activity in Dutch adolescents Uitgever(s):