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2024 Wat beïnvloedt de sportdeelname van middelbare scholieren?
Uitgever(s): Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten
2022 Game changers
2022 Spel of knikkers?
Uitgever(s): Universiteit voor Humanistiek
2021 Development of Australian physical activity and screen time guidelines for outside school hours care
Uitgever(s): BMC
2021 Understanding vocational students’ motivation for dietary and physical activity behaviors
2021 How do we harness adolescent values in designing health behaviour change interventions?
Uitgever(s): Wiley
2021 Understanding and addressing inequalities in physical activity
Uitgever(s): Public Health England
2021 Het puberbrein in beweging
Uitgever(s): KVLO
2021 Barriers and facilitators of physical activity participation in adolescent girls
2020 Social network interventions that promote physical activity among adolescents
Uitgever(s): Thabo J. van Woudenberg
2020 ‘McDonald’s is good for my social life’
Uitgever(s): Wiley
2020 Comparing and assessing physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): Springer
Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being
Uitgever(s): WHO Regional Office for Europe
2020 A critical evaluation of systematic reviews assessing the effect of chronic physical activity on academic achievement, cognition and the brain in children and adolescents
2020 Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive outcomes and academic performance in adolescents and young adults
2020 An update on secular trends in physical fitness of children and adolescents from 1972 to 2015
2020 Physical activity and academic achievement
2020 Strategies and effects of school-based interventions to promote active school transportation by bicycle among children and adolescents
2020 Urban design for physical activity
Uitgever(s): Susanne E.M. van Rijn
2020 Motivating students for physical activity
Uitgever(s): SAGE
2019 Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive and academic performance in children and adolescents
2019 Brein in de groei
Uitgever(s): Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij
2019 Australia's physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines and the Australian 24-hour movement guidelines
Uitgever(s): Department of Health, Australian Government
2019 Fit for the future
Uitgever(s): Marieke Wouters
2019 The transition to adulthood: a game changer!?
Uitgever(s): Taylor & Francis
2019 Participation in sports in childhood and adolescence and physical activity in adulthood
Uitgever(s): Routledge
2019 What is the relationship between the neighbourhood built environment and time spent in outdoor play
2019 Associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and the metabolic syndrome
Uitgever(s): Wiley
2019 Global trends in insufficient physical activity among adolescents
2019 Fitkids exercise therapy program
Uitgever(s): E.M.W. Kotte
2018 A youth compendium of physical activities
Uitgever(s): American College of Sports Medicine
2018 Time-use and environmental determinants of dropout from organized youth football and tennis
Uitgever(s): BMC, part of Spring Nature
2018 Physical activity, diet and other behavioural interventions for improving cognition and school achievement in children and adolescents with obesity or overweight (review)
Uitgever(s): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Cochrane Collaboration
2017 Risk factors for injury in talented soccer and tennis players
Uitgever(s): Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2017 Adolescent obesity and related behaviours
Uitgever(s): World Health Organization Europe
2017 Behavioral determinants of physical activity across the life course: a “DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review
Uitgever(s): BioMed Central
2017 Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course
Uitgever(s): Biomed Central
2017 Sport en bewegingsonderwijs
Uitgever(s): KVLO
2017 Diet, physical activity and behavioural interventions for the treatment of overweight or obese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years
Uitgever(s): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
2016 Report of the commission on ending childhood obesity
Uitgever(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
2016 The associations of youth physical activity and screen time with fatness and fitness
Uitgever(s): Bai et al.
2016 The school environment and adolescent physical activity and sedentary behaviour
Uitgever(s): World Obesity
2016 How voluntary exercise behavior runs in families
Uitgever(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2016 Growing up unequal
Uitgever(s): World Health Organization Europe
2016 Motieven
Uitgever(s): Kenniscentrum Sport
2016 Kritische succesfactoren ter preventie van dropout in sport en fysieke activiteit bij Vlaamse jeugd
Uitgever(s): Steunpunt Beleidsrelevant Onderzoek Sport 2012-2015
2016 Fitter door een Fitspiration account?
Uitgever(s): Universiteit van Amsterdam
2016 Physical activity in the school setting
2016 Determinants of organised sports participation patterns during the transition from childhood to adolescence in Germany
2016 De sportstimulering van adolescente meiden binnen het gemeentelijk netwerk Amersfoort
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2016 Het tienerbrein
Uitgever(s): Amsterdam University Press B.V.
2015 Maintaining a healthy weight and preventing excess weight gain among adults and children
Uitgever(s): National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
2015 Kinderen en hun ouders in beweging krijgen en houden
Uitgever(s): Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen (NISB)
2015 Number of years of participation in some, but not all, types of physical activity during adolescence predicts level of physical activity in adulthood
2015 Active video games
Uitgever(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2015 Bevorderende en beperkende factoren voor sportdeelname van kinderen en adolescenten met cerebrale parese volgens kinderen, ouders, sportdocenten en zorgprofessionals
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2015 De stimulatie van sportparticipatie bij adolescenten met cerebrale parese vanuit drie perspectieven
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2015 Jeugd
2015 On physical functioning after pediatric burns
Uitgever(s): Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2015 De rol van actie- vs. toestand-oriëntatie in de relatie tussen stress en prestatie en stress en welzijn bij jongvolwassen korfballers
Uitgever(s): Universiteit van Amsterdam
2015 Adolescents’ perspectives on the barriers and facilitators of physical activity
Uitgever(s): Oxford Academic
2014 Physical education's contribution to levels of physical activity in children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): Maastricht University
2014 Stabiliteit en verandering van psychosociale gezondheid en leefstijl bij adolescenten en mogelijkheden voor interventies
Uitgever(s): UMCG
2014 Magic mirror on the wall, who is most inactive of them all?
Uitgever(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2014 Perspectives on the encouragement of healthy energy balance related behaviour in the school environment
Uitgever(s): Monique Ridder
2014 Gezonde en weerbare pubers
Uitgever(s): Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
2014 Physical activity and social support in adolescents
2013 Top 10 practical lessons learned from physical activity interventions in overweight and obese children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): Angela S. Alberga et al
2013 What do adolescents want in order to become more active?
Uitgever(s): Corder et al.
2013 A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): Eime et al.
2013 Associations between objectively measured physical activity and academic attainment in adolescents from a UK cohort
2012 Physical activity and performance at school
Uitgever(s): American Medical Association
2012 Active living neighborhoods
Uitgever(s): De Meester et al.
2012 Global physical activity levels
Uitgever(s): Elsevier
2012 Physical activity during school recess
Uitgever(s): American College of Preventive Medicine
2012 Prevalence and correlates of exergaming in youth
Uitgever(s): American Academy of Pediatrics
2012 Active gaming in Dutch adolescents
Uitgever(s): Simons et al.
2012 Young and physical active
Uitgever(s): World Health Organization (WHO), Europe
2012 Gemengde sportparticipatie door adolescenten met cerebrale parese
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2012 De gelukkige adolescent
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2012 Are neighbourhood social capital and availability of sports facilities related to sports participation among Dutch adolescents?
Uitgever(s): Prins et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
2011 Interventions to promote physical activity among young and adolescent girls
Uitgever(s): Marian J. Carnacho-Minano
2011 Physical activity and depression in adolescents
Uitgever(s): Nicola J. Wiles et al.
2011 Adolescent physical activity predicts high education and socio-economic position in adulthood
Uitgever(s): Leena K. Koivusilta et. al.
2011 Do all children have places to be active?
Uitgever(s): Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
2011 Correlates of physical activity in youth
Uitgever(s): Taylor & Francis online
2010 Adding effect sizes to a systematic review on interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers
Uitgever(s): Crutzen
2010 The effects of adolescence sports and exercise on adulthood leisure-time physical activity in educational groups
Uitgever(s): Makinen et al.
2010 Gezond op eigen benen
Uitgever(s): Bregje Booltink
2010 Bijdrage van lichamelijke opvoeding en actief transport aan het energieverbruik van adolescenten (intern rapport)
Uitgever(s): Lectoraat Fysieke Activiteit en Gezondheid, Fontys Sporthogeschool
2010 Sport maakt wie ik ben
Uitgever(s): Universiteit Utrecht
2010 Is spending time in screen-based sedentary behaviors associated with less physical activity
Uitgever(s): Melkevik et al.
2009 Ethnic differences in bmi among Dutch adolescents
Uitgever(s): Singh et al.
2009 Activity-friendly neighborhoods for children
Uitgever(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2009 An analysis of national approaches to promoting physical activity and sports in children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford
2009 An analysis of national approaches to promoting physical activity and sports in children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford
2009 A better life for children and adolescents through diet and exercise
Uitgever(s): Nordic Council of Ministers
2009 Tracking of physical activity from childhood to adulthood
Uitgever(s): Karger
2008 Parental influences on adolescents' physical activity and sedentary behavior
Uitgever(s): Bauer et al.
2008 Physical activity and children
Uitgever(s): National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
2008 Increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary activity in adolescent girls
2007 Parental influences on adolescent physical activity
Uitgever(s): BioMed Central Ltd.
2007 Strong inverse association between physical fitness and overweight in adolescents
2007 Children, obesity and exercise
Uitgever(s): Routledge Taylor and Francis Group
2007 Effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Sciences, Addenbrooke's Hospital
2007 Physical activity, overweight and central adiposity in Swedish children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): BioMed Central Ltd.
2007 Environmental correlates of physical activity in youth
Uitgever(s): Ferreira et al.
2006 E-health4Uth
Uitgever(s): Resi Mangunkusumo
2006 Addressing the socioeconomic determinants of healthy eating habits and physical activity levels among adolescents
Uitgever(s): World Health Organization (WHO)
2006 Early determinants of physical activity in adolescence
2006 Identity and health-risk behaviour in adolescence
Uitgever(s): Kirsten Verkooijen
2006 Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns are associated with selected adolescent health risk behaviors
Uitgever(s): Pediatrics
2005 European physical education review
Uitgever(s): SAGE Publications
2005 Youth at risk of physical inactivity may benefit more from activity-related support than youth not at risk
2005 Perceived neighborhood environments and physical activity in adolescents
Uitgever(s): Elsevier Inc.
2005 Dansant
Uitgever(s): PVLO vzw
2004 Unsafe to play?
Uitgever(s): American Journal of Health Promotion, Inc.
2001 Children, adolescents, and television
Uitgever(s): American Academy of Pediatrics
2000 A review of correlates of physical activity of children and adolescents
Uitgever(s): American College of Sports Medicine
2000 Determinants of adolescent physical activity and inactivity patterns
Uitgever(s): American Academy of pediatrics
1998 Four thousand hours a year
Uitgever(s): The Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education
1997 Physical exercise habit
Uitgever(s): Oxford University Press
z.j. The role of active gaming in physical activity in Dutch adolescents
Uitgever(s): TNO